User Interface

CO.LABS: A new visual language for a performance arts platform.

Passion project
for an announced
Graphic design
UI Design
Sole author

Collaboration, Coproduction, Cowork: CO.LABS is a community space for independent performing arts.


The called for an unconventional approach characterizing the subject as Maverick, Enterpretour, Networker

Bold, outspoken, energetic, unconventional, daring, brash, open-minded, young, dynamic, open, interdisciplinary, contemporary.
Three brush strokes. Red, Green and Blue
Key visual element

Fluid Brand Identity

This everchanging, and unconventional representation embodies CO.LABS' artistic focus and capturestheir spirit of resistance to convention.
CO.LABS posters glued on a concrete wall
A pattern of business cards of CO.LABS
Template for social media for CO.LABS using the "brush stroke" element to mask in a photograph
Template for social media for CO.LABS using the new visual language
Photo of a CO.LABS café with a text "Přijďte na CO.FFEE"
Template for a quote  forsocial media for CO.LABS

A set of design components is proposed in the brand guidelines.

Gained a deep understanding of the urgent parcel shipping process and the emotions users experience through interviews and hands-on experience.
Set of typography and user interface elements used in the visual langage of CO.LABS
Set of key elements "brush strokes" used in the visual langage of CO.LABS
Set of visual elements used in the visual langage of CO.LABS
UI application

User Interface concept

Full visual guidelines
Document Icon


Market analysis

This project begged for a good market analysis as it required an unconventional approach. I developed strong market analysis skills, utilizing quadrant graphs to gain valuable insights into branding of similar platforms.

Brand Archetypes Integration

I learned to incorporate brand archetypes into the visual language design, infusing visual elements with meaningful associations.

Adaptable Visual Language Design

Through designing visual languages for diverse use cases, I gained proficiency in adapting visual styles, tones, and elements to different contexts.